Boost your immune system against viruses and bacteria.

Potential Coronavirus Covid19 Inhibitors

Coronavirus is a RNA virus family. SARS-CoV caused SARS. Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus “SARS-CoV-2”.
Incubation Time: 2-14 days
Common symptoms include: fever, tiredness, dry cough.
Other symptoms include: shortness of breath, aches and pains sore throat
Very few people will report diarrhoea, nausea or a runny nose.
GI Symptoms: Anorexia or loss of appetite (83.8% cases), diarrhea (29.3%), vomiting (0.8%), and abdominal pain (0.4%)
SARS -CoV-2 enters the lungs, it triggers an immune response, attracting immune cells to the region to attack the virus, resulting in localised inflammation. In some patients, excessive or uncontrolled levels of cytokines are released which then activate more immune cells, resulting in hyperinflammation.
Treatment for the time being
• Acetaminophen, aspirine
• Antivirals: remdesivir, lopinavir, ritonavir
• Chloroquine
• Steroids
• Immune suppressors
• Ventilator

"It will take at least a year to a year in a half to have a vaccine we can use," said National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) director Anthony Fauci, MD.
 Seventy percent of population will be infected. Some people who are infected show no or almost no symptoms. Medical treatment will not be necessary. People over 60 years old who have additional health issues, have the biggest risk.
 Hospitalized infected people;
 -%10-20 needs intensive care.
 -%3-10 intubation.
 -%2-5 mortality.
Covid-19 patients could potentially be on ventilators for a long time because of for pulmonary fibrosis a long time. To conclude; Covid-19 caused and will cause a big damage on human life.

Herbs are long time in use of medication. Recent years, as an alternative option for chemical agents, phyto-chemicals recognized another way of treatment in virus-based infections. Olive tree leafs are highly rich in biophenols such as Oleuropein, Verbascoside, Ligstroside, Tyrosol and Hydrosityrosols.
Primary biophenol is the Oleuropein, %20-25. Researches on Oleuropein shows it is affective against Herpes Mononucleosis, Rotavirus, Hepatitis Virus, Rhinovirus, Parvo Virus and Felino Leukemia. Additionally, Oleuropein showed notable affects against respiratory viruses such as sincitial virus and parainfluenza virus. It is used as supplementary agent in many viral diseases.

Researches made by scientists demonstrates ; the antiviral activity of Oleuropein over cell cultures indicates , it prevents the virus to enter the cell as well as it blocks the reproducing of virus inside the cells.
OLERATINE is an extract of Olea Europaea and is not a medicine. Along with its anti-cancerogenic, antioxidant and anti-aging affects, its antiviral activities are also remarkable. Strengthens your immune system against viruses and bacterias. Only few number of natural antiviral chemicals exist and it is best to produce and use. Short-term observations and statistics are unavailable. In fact, Oleuropein is a potential Covid-19 inhibitor. You may find related studies here.

Disclaimer: On this page, clinical experiments about the compound named Oleuropein in olive tree are given. Oleuropein is found in olive tree components and can be taken naturally. Oleratine is NOT a PHARMACEUTICAL. It is not used for the prevention and treatment of diseases. Oleratine is a herbal extract derived from Olea Europaea containing Oleuropein.